Mousse de Lin Mousse De Lin Soda Crystals 2kg - Cleans, Degreases & Deodorises
Mousse De Lin Soda Crystals 2kg - Cleans, Degreases & Deodorises
Mousse de Lin

Mousse De Lin Soda Crystals 2kg - Cleans, Degreases & Deodorises


You can use soda crystals to clean glasses, freezers, refrigerators, dishes, cutting boards, chip kettles, floors, dishes, sanitary ware, etc. ...

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Product description

Soda crystals 2 kg - Mousse de Lin

Mousse de Lin Soda crystals clean naturally, glass, freezers, refrigerators, cutting boards, deep fryers, floors, sanitary ware, etc. Unclog and descale pipes, sinks, washbasins, toilets, etc. Degrease cooking pots, filters, range hoods, countertops, etc. Remove and treat stubborn stains from fabrics. The ideal multitasker for your household.

Soda crystals can be easily dissolved in warm water and then mixed into warm water solution.


  • Soaking heavily soiled linen: 50g/l water.
  • Hand or machine wash: 20g/l water.
  • Do not use on delicate fabrics, wool, and silk!

Textiles and laundry

Use soda crystals to:

  • Remove sweat stains and odors from pillows, mattresses, and textiles. Sprinkle, let it work, and vacuum. Or dissolve in water and soak the fabric in it (this method is not suitable for delicate fabrics such as wool and silk).
  • Clean, descale, and deodorize your washing machine: run an empty machine at 90°C with a handful of soda regularly.
  • Soap residue, limescale, and bacteria will disappear, and your laundry will smell fresher. Make white laundry even whiter: add 1 cup of soda to each load of white laundry.
  • Clean greasy overalls: first soak them in hot soda water for a few hours, then wash as usual.

House and garden

Use soda crystals to:

  • Keep drainpipes clean: dissolve a scoop of soda in hot water and pour it down the drain.
  • Disinfect sponges: soak them in hot soda water for 1 minute and rinse with cold water.
  • Clean combs and brushes: soak them in warm soda water for half an hour and remove residues of dirt and styling products with a cotton swab (not suitable for brushes with pig bristles, aluminum combs, wooden handles, or rubber cushions).
  • Keep flowers fresh for longer: add a small dash of soda to the water in the vase.
  • Remove rings from teak tables: make a mixture with soda and warm water (with a splash of lemon juice if desired) and scrub with a dish sponge. Rinse well.
  • Clean plastic garden furniture: dissolve some soda in water or use a liquid soda cleaner. Clean and strengthen wicker and braided furniture. Remove grease stains from stone: simply sprinkle, let it sit, and sweep up.
  • Get rid of weeds: sprinkle a few teaspoons of soda over the weeds. Use as de-icing salt on driveways and walkways. Scrub dirt and moss from patios and pathways. Make a strong soda solution with hot water (avoid spilling on your plants!).
  • Combat aphids: spray trees or plants with a solution of 30 grams of soda crystals per liter of water.
  • Prevent leaf fungi: spray your roses with a solution of one cup of milk and 30 grams of soda crystals per liter of water.
  • Degrease the barbecue: use a hot strong solution of soda crystals or a liquid soda cleaner.
  • Clean windows without streaks: use a teaspoon of soda in 5 liters of water. Restore the shine of painted surfaces and PVC windows. Polish with a liquid soda cleaner or a normal solution of warm water and soda crystals. Refresh and make (Venetian) shutters dust repellent.

Personal care

Use soda crystals to:

  • Get softer feet: soak your feet in warm water with a handful of soda crystals.



  • Sodium Carbonate
Product information
Brand Mousse de Lin
Article code 400010
EAN 5415040400010
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parfait pour machines à laver vaisselle linge etc

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