Palmolive Naturals Hand Soap with Milk & Honey provides nourishing care with 96% natural ingredients. it leaves hands so...
Colgate Toothpaste Triple Action is a toothpaste that provides triple action. Cavity protection, white teeth and fresh b...
Waterproof Hansaplast Aqua Protect: flexible, shock-absorbing, good adhesion. Ideal for swimming/showering. Clean wound,...
Beautiful fragrance created in-house by a team of professional perfumers In true 1970s fashion, Sunbeam bursts with lem...
Air Wick Pure Essential Oils Air Freshener neutralises odours, automatically diffuses fragrance for up to 70 days. Fresh...
These plasters provide extended coverage and secure adhesion for wounds and cuts, maintaining their stickiness even afte...
When it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy environment, our comprehensive range of hygiene products is here to help. From moisture absorbers that keep your space dry and fresh to air fresheners that infuse pleasant scents into the air, we have you covered.
Explore our selection of sprays, scented sachets, and candles to create a soothing atmosphere in any room.
Our body care products include bath and shower essentials, hand hygiene solutions, teeth care items, and baby care essentials, ensuring that every aspect of personal and home hygiene is met.
For added peace of mind, check out our disinfection products, including gels and sprays, designed to help you maintain a germ-free environment. Discover a world of hygiene solutions that prioritize your well-being.