HG HG Against Unpleasant Odors in Sportswear Detergent Additive
HG Against Unpleasant Odors in Sportswear Detergent Additive

HG Against Unpleasant Odors in Sportswear Detergent Additive


HG Sports Clothing Odor Remover Detergent Additive effectively removes deeply embedded sweat odors from sportswear and towels. Suitable for about 16 washes.

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Product description

HG against unpleasant odors in sportswear detergent additive - Removes sweat odor

HG detergent additive against unpleasant odors in sportswear is an extremely effective formula that effectively removes odor molecules that have penetrated deep into the fibers. After all, bad odors in sportswear that arise from perspiration during exercise or because clothing has been left wet in the washing machine for too long in the sports bag, laundry basket or after washing, are not properly removed with a main wash detergent alone. These bad odors become noticeable as soon as the washed clothing is ironed or worn. With our detergent for sportswear, the sweat odor disappears quickly and easily from clothes.

  • Effectively removes bad odors
  • Also ideal for towels and other clothing
  • Good for approx.16 washes

Quickly and effectively remove sweat odor from clothes and towels

This detergent for sportswear is an addition to regular detergent and effectively removes bad odors. That is why it is also ideal for thoroughly deodorizing towels that no longer smell fresh despite a regular wash. HG detergent additive against unpleasant odors in sportswear is good for adding to approximately 16 washing machine cycles or hand wash cycles.

How do you use HG detergent additive against unpleasant odors in sportswear?

Follow the steps below to easily remove sweat odors and other bad odors with HG against unpleasant odors in sportswear detergent additive:

  1. Dose the main wash detergent as usual. 
  2. The HG detergent additive cap against unpleasant odors in sportswear can be used as a measuring cup. 
  3. Fill this measuring cup up to the 25ml measure and add the contents to the main wash detergent in the main wash detergent compartment.
Product information
Brand HG
Article code 89443
EAN 8711577089443
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