Hagerty Hagerty Silver Polish 250ml
Hagerty Silver Polish 250ml

Hagerty Silver Polish 250ml

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Hagerty Silver Polish: Restores, protects silver items without damage. Removes tarnish, adds shine, long-lasting protection. Easy application, no scratches, leaves protective film.

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Product description

Hagerty Silver Polish 250ml Lotion to clean and maintain silver and silver-plated items.
Cleans and takes care of silver and silver-plated metal. It allows to maintain and restore the luster of silver and silver-plated objects which are oxidized without damaging them.

The lotion brings back brightness to the items.
Silver Polish makes vases, frames, and other tarnished items shine. It maintains in-depth tarnished silver. The lotion protects from oxidation for several weeks and removes dirt from any silver or silver-plated objects or accessories.

The care acts rapidly, is efficient, and does not ruin the objects.
The cleaning is easy, gives fast results, and does not cause any micro-scratches or marks on the metal. The items and the accessories are cleaned and shiny again.

  • All-in-one, all-purpose cleaner.
  • Long-lasting anti-tarnish protection.
  • Size 250 ml
  • Leaves a protective film that delays oxidation.
Instructions for use
  • Shake bottle well before use.
  • Apply with a wad of cotton, soft cloth, or a wet sponge.
  • Rub thoroughly and leave on for a minute to ensure lasting effect.
  • Then polish off with a clean wad of cotton, soft dry cloth or simply rinse and dry.
Product information
Brand Hagerty
Article code 1356
SKU 1356
EAN 7610928010086
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