Eres Eres Blanc Nuclear White Activator - White Textiles Whitener 300 g
Eres Blanc Nuclear White Activator - White Textiles Whitener 300 g

Eres Blanc Nuclear White Activator - White Textiles Whitener 300 g


Effectively restores white textiles to a radiant white. Suitable for all fibers with recommended exposure times. Including delicate fabrics like wool and silk. Blanc Nuclear washes whiter than white and removes stains on all your white textiles.

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Product description


Over time, white textiles tend to turn yellow or gray. Eres BLANC NUCLEAR effectively restores their radiant white color with a powerful industrial formula designed for all types of textile fibers. The longer the exposure time, the better the results. Recommended exposure times are provided on the packaging.


Use Eres BLANC NUCLEAR for all your white textiles, not only for cotton sheets, handkerchiefs, underwear, kitchen, and bath towels but also for delicate fabrics like wool and silk. Excellent results are guaranteed, even on white wool and silk.

Blanc Nuclear!

Delivers what others promise: washes whiter than white! Complete treatment for all your white textiles, including wool and silk.

White textiles lose their original freshness over time, turning yellow or dull, making them less appealing. On delicate fabrics like wool and silk, and even on cotton, stains can be challenging to remove. With Eres Blanc Nuclear, your white textiles will quickly look brand new!

For all white textiles:

  • Whitens
  • Removes yellowing
Product information
Brand Eres
Article code ERES25215
SKU 25215
EAN 5410458252152
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