Cool Bags & Boxes

When you go on holiday, go to the beach for a day, or have a picnic, a cool box or cool bag is not an unnecessary luxury. Cool boxes or cooler bags keep your drinks cold and your food fresh. You can also keep your products nice and warm.

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The finest cooling element that keeps your drinks cold. Perfect to take with you on a beach trip, in your picnic basket ...

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  • 14 x 13 cm
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Fresh & Cold cooling element 200ml 2 pieces Set of 2 cooling elements to keep all your drinks and snacks in your cooler...

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Keep your food and drinks chilled with this practical cooler bag. Made from durable materials with excellent insulation,...

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No more hot drinks with this brightly coloured cooler bag. Handy for when you go to the beach, park or camping!

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Metaltex thermos flask ✅ Capacity: 1 litre ✅ Colour: metallic brown

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