Doctor Clean Doctor Clean Snail Catcher
Doctor Clean Snail Catcher
Doctor Clean

Doctor Clean Snail Catcher

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Product description

Snails catcher in no time from those annoying snails! Doctor Clean® Snails Vanger lures snails into the trap due to the specially formulated liquid, the snail falls into it and can no longer escape. The slug catcher is non-toxic. 

This unique design does not stand out in the garden and comes with a specially formulated liquid that attracts snails to a distance of 2 meters. 

The snail catcher is an excellent alternative to poisonous slag pellets, which entail the risk of poisoning garden birds and pets. Doctor Clean® Snails Catcher is non-toxic and the most effective trap: the snail falls into it and can no longer escape. The trap is easy to empty. 

One package of Doctor Clean® Snail Catcher contains two slug catchers.

Product information
Brand Doctor Clean
Article code 39091
SKU 39091
EAN 8713713039091
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